
simarillion avatar image
simarillion asked implementation SmartSolar MPPT 100/20

In the protocol manual is written:

"There are two different implementations of the Text-mode and HEX-mode:

Older implementations • On power up, a VE.Direct interface will always be in Text-mode, ...

Newer implementations • Always have the Text-mode active, regardless of the HEX-messages...

To know more which implementation is applied to your product, please check its specific VE.Direct protocol document."

I cannot find that document for SmartSolar MPPT 100/20. Which implementation is used here?

My main problem is. I only want to read values in text mode, but up and on I receive hex commands that interrupt text protocol and somehow the checksum fails. Although I didn't send any command and didn't actively activate hex mode.

I read it manually with a python script on a raspberry py and original USB serial cable.

Best regards,


MPPT SmartSolarVE.Directcommunication protocol
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VE.Direct protocol FAQ

MPPT product page

VictronConnect manual


MPPT calculator

MPPT codes

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