Dear community,
I'm planning to get me a SmartSolar MPPT 250/100-Tr VE.CAN as charger for my 48V LiFePO (DIY).
2 questions:
a) How to connect the device to my home automation (without cloud/Internet) for monitoring and evtl. settings (e.g. charge current limitation)
Is it possible to use the VE.Can with a common CAN adapter? Where to get a 'datapoints description' (evtl. EDS)?
Does Modbus TCP work with this device? Other options, e.g. MPPT?
b) Is it possible to limit the charger to do only e.g. ca. 85% SOC, usually done by reducing the target / charge cut-off voltage?
Schoud I use a certain BMS for better 'collaboration' of the cahrger and the battery?
Thank you very much for your help!