
monmon avatar image
monmon asked

grid consumption balancing per phase

Hi, I have one question, see the printscreen,
Victron cannot balance the consumption from grid? I mean consuming + 922w on L3 and at the same time, sending back -805w on L1 is kind of waste of grid distribution expenses.
Can I just pull form grid + 117W as balancing result of 922 - 805?
Or is only solution manually balance loads in my house (all el. equipment circuits) for each phase?
Or Victron can handle by some setup? I have 3x Multiplus II 5000, one per phase.
OR maybe VIctron is doing that, but only to some degree? Is some limitation there?
Thank you for help anyone.


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3 Answers
daniel-feist avatar image
daniel-feist answered ·

For a lot of tarrifs this approach makes sense and means you avoid paying import costs, and phase loads don't need to be balanced. If you don't want this you can change the ESS setting to "multi-phase regulation" to "individual phase".

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monmon avatar image monmon commented ·
thank you,

I have a spot tarif so i guess this per phase / individual phase is better to me?
what this change in setting will do exactly, any connected changes in behavior, or should i know something?
thanks again

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi take a look at this manual, section 7 is about phase regulation and the differences

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monmon avatar image
monmon answered ·

thank you all, still bit confused on how it works (all the consequences), so I will try and decide. Sorry for silence.

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