
ewoutk avatar image
ewoutk asked

IP22 LifePO4 change settings

Translated to english ;-)

Hi hello,

A question: the-Ion setting in the app seems not to be corresponding whith the charging instructions I'm reading with my LifePO4 battery. I was wondering if somebody could help me with the ideal charging settings for my IP22/20A charger, in combination with my LifePO4 accu (200ah)

I have expert settings on. (sorry I'm dutch,So my app is in dutchs but it'll probably match the english language settings)


But euuhhhh What to add where?

Because in the manual of the battery manufacturer I read that the LifePO4 charging logic is rather different from lead acid battery.

In lead battery charging there's a bulk phase, absorbsion phase and a float phase.

But in LifePO4 there's I learned from the manual the charging phases are:

1. a constant current phase

2. a constant voltage phase.


And then charging with the following details:


So my question is; what to add where in the IP22 configuration so I get the charging logic recommended by the battery manufacturer?

Thanks a bunch!



battery charging
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4 Answers
ewoutk avatar image
ewoutk answered ·

sorry, I asked in Dutch. Sorry, let me know if I need to translate it.

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ewoutk avatar image
ewoutk answered ·

iemand? anyone an idea?

@Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff)

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Misschien even je topic en vraag in engels veranderen, zijn maar een aantal nederlandse talige gebruikers

Helaas heb ik geen antwoord op je vraag ;)

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Absorption corresponds here to recommended charging voltage, suggest you reduce that from 14.4V to 14V.

Charging currents are generally maximums. So setting a max of 20A is fine. But you haven't given us the figure from the battery maker, unless I missed it. The will limit the charge current in all phases, it's equivalent to constant current in the Victron world. Absorption is their constant voltage phase. After that float being low will turn off charging until the battery voltage drops due to load, at which point the charge cycle will start again.

For lithium turn off temperature compensation.

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