
funandsun avatar image
funandsun asked

Multiplus - mains on and float blinking

We got a Master/Slave 3-phase Multiplus system - the "mains on" and "float" are blinking (switch position 1). Could not find any hint on the forum nor in the Toolkit app.

We got a solar system connected and throughout there had been Victron products used, even down to the fuses. It is a home (not boat) installation. Accumulators are LiFePo and precharged to about 75%.

On the solar system an additional second Victron energy meter EM24 3-phase had been added for flawless communication (orange). The Victron VM-3P75CT is part of the system as a gridmeter (red) connects via the Can-Bus. Can-bus is terminated of course. 4446W are given to the grid right now.


ekrano.jpeg (268.6 KiB)
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delf67 avatar image delf67 commented ·
Those numbers don't look right to me. The PV values should not be negative and the grid meter numbers should be negative. Also the numbers don't add up: L1 shows -2335W on the PV and +331W on the grid meter with zero AC or DC loads and 0W going into the battery?
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funandsun avatar image funandsun delf67 commented ·


maybe the meters are hooked up the wrong way? Could be a viable solution.

The PV is a separate system, is equal on all three phases (see orange prompt).

The red one is the Gridmeter. But as you mentioned, it is showing negative in the official meter also. That might be it. I keep you updated and we are checking now... . Thanks for possibly victrondiscovergy.jpggetting us out of the loop. More brains are better then two...

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2 Answers
funandsun avatar image
funandsun answered ·

Just to show the setup in the three phase config.img-6204.jpeg

img-6204.jpeg (190.1 KiB)
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funandsun avatar image
funandsun answered ·

Here below is the details from my failure hunt. Thanks to Alexandra and delf I kept on searching.

It had been phase 2+3 that needed to be changed. We switched the Multiplus in the config app and from there we got the green mains on green.

Now we also have to change the meter from the AC solar system, which is via MQTT connected, because it is sending the data with a negative value. But that is easy to fix.

Tuesday we will start the system. Keep you updated in the other thread.

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