
tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis asked

Two inverters Bricked after a ve.bus quick configuration

I was trying to install a new inverter replacind a damaged one in a three phase system, the "old" inverters were multi-ii 48/3000/35 and the new also, but old ones has 2628XXX code and new 2629XXX code , I upgrade all with their corresponding updates and try to ve.bus configure them, when I arrived to the third ( new) inverter the system says that the firmware were not exactly the same and the op can not be performed.

Ok I try to reset them all to as they were working before a 2 fase split system , but when I try to connect to one of the old ones I have a comunication error


I've tryed everything... and I cannot get coomunicatrion with the old inverters seems freezed in the mid travel of the old try config of the three phase and always getting that comumination problem, also tryed with ve.flash and the same com problem...

Also tryed with victron connect but not multis detected, also tryed the connect option to restore from a failed update firmware but NO result.

Any idea to get to live again that inverters ???


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7 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Ve flash and the correct firmware file for your chips is the answer. It may take a few goes.

Disconnect them all electrically except the battery.

FYI that one has a different chip number and is probably the other reason (besides not having the same firmware) why they wont play like good kids together.

As far as I know those are too old for Victron Connect.

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

I can't connect with ve.flash it gives the same error.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
With them as stand alone? Interesting.

Are you using an mk2 or an mk3?

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

Yes, with different chip numer and hardware instead of being the same model, they can't work together, the solution from victron is BUY 3 new inverters !?!?!?!?!

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
To be part of the same system they must have the same hardware ID. To be different one would be very old. The hardware ID has not changed for some time, regardless paring systems that have a big gap between them is not a good idea.

Veflash should work. How old was the version you upgraded from? There might have been a mk3 update needed from the GX for the inverter. veconfigure would also have prompted you to update the USB adapter.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Adding old and new electronics together doesn't work well anyway. Component aging would-be a factor as well even if you had three of the same.
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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

"old" is from 2018 and new 2023 ...

I'll try with different Mk2 Mk3 , only powered by bateries ...

lets see..

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


A listing I have shows this..


Close, but not exactly the same. I doubt you'll be able to configure them together. Maybe talk to your supplier about how they can help with this..

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

No, I know now that it's impossible, I only want to get to live the two old ones !!!!!

and leave the systema working as it was before tryning the vebus quick configure the three phase with the three inverters.

I'm trying now with mk3 new, mk3 old and mk2 and the response is always the same error connecting to multi

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

No way, the Victron distributor gently get the two inverters to test them in its benchmark and try to revive it ....

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