
nkz75 avatar image
nkz75 asked

How to connect 2 smartsolar MPPT to a Multiplus-II GX?

I have a Multiplus-II GX with a Smartsolar MPPT 250/100 connected via VE-Direct cable. Now, I was expanding the system with a second solar array (smaller, using a Smartsolar MPPT 150/45) but the second MTTP only has VEDirect connection. The inverter only has ONE Vedirect connector... I tryed to connect the 250/100 via VE-CAN but with no success.. initually it was recognized but then.... not... :|

What would be the best sugestion ? note that I am considering buying a second inverter (not GX to increase inverting power for the house...

At this moments all comments are most welcome.

Thanks to all!

Multiplus-IIgx device
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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You can use the ve direct to usb connector.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

if you ever want to have more usb ports for ve direct devices or modbus grid meters, be sure to use a good quality powered usb hub

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nkz75 avatar image
nkz75 answered ·

All right, thanks!

It's not possible to connect one Smartsolar via VE CAN (the 250/100 has this port) and the other via VE direct??

I am considering aquire a Cerbo GX as I intendo to have a second inverter... Can a Multiplus-II GX be connected to a Cerbo (this way all the devices would connect to the same place) or should I swithc my multiplus-II GX for a "normal" one? :)

Best regards!!

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

The GX should have a second VE Direct port internally.

Second VE.Direct Port on Multiplus II GX

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
thats true, but not everyone is comfortable with opening devices
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

yes you can connect one with ve can, but not if there is also a canbus battery bms connected

option 1: you can perfectly use the multiplus2 gx with another normal mutliplus 2

option 2: trade or sell the gx multi and buy 2 multiplus 2's (if you want to extend your system with a second multiplus in parallel this is the best option to avoid different HW versions)

for more info on parallel systems see:

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