
kta22 avatar image
kta22 asked

EVCS - HQ2301 (EV charger with display) cannot be accessed remotely

Hello to all,

I've just installed my new EVCS - HQ230, it works pretty well with my Victron ecosystem but the issue i'm facing is that I can access charger page only when I'm in range of my wifi network. If I'm trying to connect connect via mobile network (away from home), I cannot access the charger page at all. I've tried with different mobile phones, but doesn't work. Do you have any idea about issue ? I also noticed if my I'm connected with CISCO(home network) on me netbook, the issue persists and I cannot connect to ev charger page, but if I diconnect CISCO, it works again. Thanks

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

@Kta22 How and what exactly are you trying to access? On VRM controls are accessible by enabling realtime updates and inverter charger remote control in settings.


The rconsole offers these too via the device list when you click on the charging station.


Access (as per below) will only be available on the LAN and you can achieve this remotely using a VPN, but I strongly advise against it.

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1 Answer
kta22 avatar image
kta22 answered ·

Thanks, clear !

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