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packrat1969 asked

Changes in Cerbo GX Firmware 3.31 Rotate HDMI image?

Last year I purchased a Waveshare 7" HDMI/Touchscreen monitor to use with my Cerbo GX in an RV. Due to the orientation of the monitor, it's cables, and Cerbo I'd swear that I needed to rotate the display so all of the monitor's ports ended up on the right side. Since I updated firmware over the winter, and haven't used the monitor until I put everything back together today, I didn't realize there was an issue. Isn't there some setting in a config file somewhere that allows for rotating the display and touch screen input? I have searched the forums, but it seems that most of the answers do not apply to my situation. Has anyone else needed to do this? Other than the image being upside down, the display and touch control works great?

I took a look at Kevin Windrem's RpiDisplaySetup as I am already using his SetupHelper and magnificent GUIMods package, but I am a little reluctant to install it as 1) I am not using an actual raspberry pi and 2) a line in the readme says:

Uninstalling this package will disable the local GUI !

I am NOT a Linux expert and do not want to lose control of or brick my Cerbo!

@Kevin Windrem, are you able to clarify whether or not your package will help?


cerbo gxdisplayhdmi
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