
ailt avatar image
ailt asked

How to switch off the load on MPPT via VRM Portal?


I have a MPPT 100/20 connected to a Raspberry. Connection works, system is online. With bluetooth I can change the settings of the MPPT to switch off the load. These settings I can´t find on VRM Dashboard. I have already followed the instructions of , the sign for the advanced settings won´t appear (see picture).


Realtime data are activated.

Is another device like a battery monitor necessary?

MPPT ControllersVRMbalanced ac-load
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5 Answers
chrichri avatar image
chrichri answered ·

Hi, this is not possible. The contol button you mention is only for inverter mode controls and relay control.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@chrichri You can do it remotely using Victronconnect after logging into VRM as below, then select the installation where you can access the MPPT and other devices.


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ailt avatar image
ailt answered ·


I have activated the inverter option like below. Can you explain what I need to configure the MPPT via VRM portal? Do I need a Cerbo GX instead of a Raspberry?


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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

You cannot control the MPPT via VRM and have to use VictronConnect from either a PC or your phone. Select VRM as in the earlier picture and your installation will show something similar to below. Select the MPPT and the rest is easy. PS - Always exercise caution when turning things on and off remotely.



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ailt avatar image ailt ejrossouw commented ·


according chapter 3 I assume it´s possible to change the settings of a MPPT by remote via VRM portal. Via Bluetooth is not interesting for me, because the devices are installed far away. 1716539481427.png

For me it´s important having the option to switch off the load of a MPPT. The MPPT is connected to a Raspberry. Do I have to buy a Cerbo to use its relay, or do you have another idea?

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delf67 avatar image delf67 ailt commented ·

Chapter 3 states "VRM offers control over SOME of your victron devices", this does not include the MPPT.

Victron connect can be used locally using bluetooth, but it can also be used remotely, as per the pic from ejrossouw.80155-1716473887468.png

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@ailt The relay shown in your first post is located in a Cerbo, Venus, (Ekrano??) GX. You could use that relay to toggle small loads, or control a battery protect for larger loads.


vrm-remote.png (82.4 KiB)
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ailt avatar image ailt commented ·
The MPPT is connected to a Raspberry (with Venus image installed). Is there a possibility to use the pins of the RPi as a relay?
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jameswest avatar image
jameswest answered ·

You could use the relay switches in VRM to trigger a NodeRED automation to control whatever you like. No hard wiring required.

Alternatively, don't use VRM and create your own NodeRED dashboard which you can launch from within VRM.

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