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sharpener asked

Fault current rating of neutral-earth bond relay in Multiplus?

In the new Third Edition of the IET Code of Practice for EESS (recently publicised) the Neutral-Earth bonding relay has been re-named "system referencing relay". IMO this is not very helpful, this relay is not merely to reference the neutral potential to earth but is also necessary to trip the RCD in an earth leakage situation.

Can anyone tell me the fault current rating of this relay in the Multi II 5k?

In connection with a query on this I have been sent the following response by the IET:


Can anybody confirm or refute this? I had assumed that for the models that are type-approved for UK use there isn't a problem. What type of contactor does Victron use?

Personally since there are (differently rated) RCDs on my domestic setup both before and after the Multi I think there are better things to worry about than a prospective fault current of 6kA burning out the relay.

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