
banne avatar image
banne asked

Every reboot the Multiplus is NOT AVAILABLE status UNKNOWN

I'm getting really sick and tired of this issue. The Multiplus is controlled by an external app (in house developed) over modbus, every now and then the MP stops responding to the app and when I reboot it, it refused to come online. Sometimes it needs a hardware switch off and on, sometimes I need to reboot it without the MPPT connected(??) before it comes back alive. This is when reboot first time:


Now again there is problems. I rebooted it over and over and it remains not connected. After two attempts its back online but now it shows 46V DC voltage while the BMS says its 56V.

schermafbeelding-2024-05-22-om-193058.pngScherm­afbeelding 2024-05-22 om 19.31.04.png

DVCC is on, the parameters for DVCC are off. Why is this happening everytime? Firmware is 3.31 but I have it on every firmware version. The display says HUB-1 OFF when this happens

Multiplus-IIBMSModbus TCPmultiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Moving to modifications.

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banne avatar image banne commented ·
Why? What this has to do with modification?
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell banne commented ·

You are running your system in a customised way, hence per community guidelines anything non standard goes in the modifications space.

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banne avatar image
banne answered ·

Now my application turned the MP off (which is as it should) but 2/3 MP's show status unknown again. This is new that its off that it shows this. schermafbeelding-2024-05-24-om-092620.png

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