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libraryman3 asked

Connection to h pin from changover relay

Im using a change over relay ( with diode) to bypass the split charging relay fitted as std.

I’m struggling to understand the H pin connection from the relay pin 87.

So several questions.

1.From the relay pin 87…is this the only connection required for the H pin?

2. Should this connection be fused (as per drawing)

3. What is the current draw? Voltage is i believe circa 7v


orion xs
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Something odd here. Red goes through the relay coil to actuate it, fine. But you have black which is normally negative across the 87/87a contacts. This should also be positive.

You appear to be joining 87/87a. Normally only one would be connected or one to two different components. But joining them bypasses the relay. Also you won't connect them to earth.

But what are you expecting the Orion to do? Charge when there's voltage on 87a?

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libraryman3 avatar image libraryman3 kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, the black is simply the colour of the wire on the relay tail..why I don’t know but it is a live supply, it is actually the main 12v supply to the ec500 that has been intersected to provide power to pin 30

So when the engine runs, the red switch wire energises the coil which then connects 87 to power the H connection, 87a disconnects.

87a is normally closed (as shown) and as such allow power to continue through to the ec500 then to ground.

So no I am not expecting pin 87à to allow charging through the Orion,

I am only expecting pin 87 to allow charging from the Orion when pin 86 is energised by engine run (D+)

Does this help?


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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Then pin 87 goes to H, is not connected to 87a.

Current is negligible. It's only a voltage signal. The actual voltage range for H is in the manual. But it should be ok.

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libraryman3 avatar image
libraryman3 answered ·

No it isn’t, the switch wire Red should energise the relay and allow power to run through pin 87..

However, I have just noticed that I might have drawn the diode direction incorrectly..

But thank you for your reply.


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