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olafer asked

EVCS Overload protection

Hi all,

I have a 3x5k multiplus system (48v) and an evcs on the ac-input,
we have a grid input limit of 47A per phase, and i have the ESS system behind a 25a breaker
the ESS system has the DESS activated, and is only working for peak shaving (end of line).
Now i found out that the EVCS looks at the Multiplus input limit of 25a, instead of the "peak shave" option by ESS.

Is there a way to change where the evcs is looking for its "overload protection"?

now i can't charge when the system load of the system is higher than 25a, while there is still a gap between 47A and 25A

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Hi, in fw 1.29(not yet avalable), if the EVCS is installed on AC IN, you can override the that value.
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