
Mark avatar image
Mark asked

Cerbo GX getting automatic timezone updates from gps

Hi I have a caravan, this could go through 3 different time zones.

Is it possible to have the clock on the GX updated from the GPS and use the correct time zone?

I know that I can set the time zone to UTC, but that doesn’t really help with knowing local time.

Is this even possible?

cerbo gxfeature request
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

My experience is no.

Phones do this by using the cell signal, not GPS.

My android head unit remains stubbornly on the original time zone, even when its tech support says the time zone will be picked up from GPS if I disable network time. It doesn't seem to be able to get a local time zone from the mobile WiFi router. Neither does my CCGX. Not sure if that's the router or not.

This may help, or confuse more: But sadly does not seem to be implemented in Linux. Maybe a back port to Linux is possible

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) can this be added to future Venus OS releases? Many users are mobile, on land and sea.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) an additional question related to the op. Can the lat/long values on Dbus be updated from an external source via mqtt to enable the GX device and therefore vrm to update it's location and time zone? I have gps info available to my home assistant from my cellular router and this could be fed to the cerbo via mqtt.

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Related Resources

Cerbo GX product page

GX family product range

Cerbo GX & GX Touch datasheet

Cerbo GX Manual

Venus root access document

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