
sunblocks avatar image
sunblocks asked

Orion TR 48/12 wiring diagram

Have been thinking about building this installation (see diagram). As there is no battery it will only function during daylight hours. Will it work? What would happen if i increase the capacity by adding more pv panels and additional Orion units? Thanks


orion dc-dcwiring diagram
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@sunblocks Yeah, that's not going to work.

Under low light conditions the output load is going to be to high for the panel to supply the dc converter .

Under low light and load the panel voltage will drop to the point where the dc converter will turn off, without load the panel voltage will rise and the dc converter will turn on. Repeatedly on ,off, on, off... until something breaks, or perhaps enough sun comes out.

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sunblocks avatar image
sunblocks answered ·

@klim8skeptic thanks for your comments. Good point about on/off cycling in marginal conditions.

Perhaps i could add some kind of switch or relay controller in the load circuit...

When it cuts out due to low voltage the load remains off - until manually reset. Just a thought!

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Why not put a battery in there?
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Related Resources

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Victron DC to DC Converters Product Range
