
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton asked

Node Red VRM API - Issue or me?

I am having a problem getting solar data that I cant figure out.

16/05/2024, 09:43:13node: debug 7243349: stats :
msg.payload.records.solar_yield_forecast[0][1] : number


16/05/2024, 09:43:15node: debug 7443349: stats : msg.payload.records.vrm_pv_charger_yield_fc[0][1] : number


16/05/2024, 09:43:51node: debug 7643349: stats :
msg.payload.records.solar_yield[0][1] : number


These are all looking at Start of yesterday to end of yesterday but the actual yield is way off...

Ty Cerrig 48 - VRM Portal ( [ Feel free to look ]

VRM is reporting 19.3kW overall, 11 as direct use and 8.4 to battery, so the typical rounding/measurement but nothing even close to 800W anywhere.

Is this a problem or am I just looking in the wrong place?

BTW the plan is to compare a few days worth of aged data, looking at predicted and realized to get a confidence figure, that can then be applied to the next few days, even hours, predictions so the system as a whole and hopefully allow it to make better predictions. I realize I cant take the natural variability out but recognizing the output is generally higher or lower than predicted quickly would be a big help overall...

(It should have done more by now, change the strategy for today sort of vibe)

I would very much appreciate any and all suggestions



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Alistair Warburton avatar image Alistair Warburton commented ·
This is a shameless bump for my own 3 day old question... Sorry

I am doing my bit, answered load of stuff so I am not feeling guilty.

I cant work out what I am doing wrong here. I have searched everywhere I can think of looking and cant make any sense of the number that solar_yield is returning. Everything else looks to be OK but although Solar yield changes it isn't matching up with anything I can find on the VRM. I am probably just being dense somewhere but I could do with a leg up and the forum is busy right now so I thought I would push this question back up the queue.

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1 Answer
Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

I assume you use the generic Victon VRM API.

This is how I have configured that Node:
I then get this response if I use a debug node:

I am looking for 9559 (today), and 8717 (tomorrow)
These numbers match the numbers I see on the VRM dashboard

I then pick these numbers using a change node:

"to" I set to: "payload.records.vrm_pv_charger_yield_fc[0][1]",

For tomorrow I use "payload.records.vrm_pv_charger_yield_fc[1][1]

I use copy path on the array line to find these msg,xxxxxxxxxxx's

In addition I use this function node to get rid of some of the decimals:

var input = msg.payload; // Your input value

var dividedValue = parseFloat(input) / 1000; // Divide by 1000

var formattedValue = dividedValue.toFixed(2); // Display with 2 decimal places

msg.payload = formattedValue + " Kwh"; // Add the suffix

return msg;


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Alistair Warburton avatar image Alistair Warburton commented ·
I am playing with it now, thanks. Yield isn't what I thought anyway what I am after is the previous days totals, total today so far and the forecasts for all those days, which I expect I will have to save before the beginning of the day in question.
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