
equus-luna avatar image
equus-luna asked

access settings.js for node red on a cerbo gx device.

Hi, I'm trying to get the worldmap to run on dashboard2 in nodered running on a cerbogx device. It keeps saying that is cannot get the worldmap and I am thinking it is because i need to know the httpRoot and this value can be found in the settings.js file. I have a macbook.

My understanding is that the file can be found here: /usr/lib/node_modules/node-red/venus-settings.js but I am not sure what is the best way to access these files on the cerbo gx device from mac. Do I just plug it in and go to file explorer? Is there a better way?


cerbo gxNode-RED
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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Use terminal or putty

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equus-luna avatar image equus-luna commented ·

Sorry I realize that my bellow statement was best. phrased as a comment:

Thanks so much,

I went into my GX device. Enabled superuser and SSH on LAN. Installed putty.

But I think this is where I am again starting to get lost as I am not a programer by training or very familiar with this type of file accessing. If there are step by step instructions out there or at least a general sense of what to do next I would be very grateful.

Thanks so much for help.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 equus-luna commented ·

Hi this is a good start:

Venus OS: Root Access [Victron Energy]

Then maybe google/youtube how to ssh into a computer. As derrick notes putty is commonly used tool used on windows.

Mac OS or Linux you can just use terminal with the command noted on the link above.

Once you're in you'll need a command line text editor like nano

GIve that a google of how to use nano. (I can't quite remember if it's installed by default or not, if not you can install by doing opkg install nano)

Hopefully that's enough to point you in the right direction/give you some tips on what to google

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