
tenacious avatar image
tenacious asked

Using ATC with Alternator

Morning - I have a Balmar alternator, Arco Zeuss regulator, Victron Smart BMS 500. I have the Arco as a Victron follower, however Arco has recommended that I use the ATC as well - kind of fail safe/back up to the can.bus messages.

Question - from the wiring diagrams I have seen, it looks like the installation should be Aux+ to ATC pin 3, ATC pin 4 to Relay pin 8 (NO), Relay pin 9 (NC) houses the Arco ATC wire. Relay pin 7/Com is not used.

Is the above correct?

alternatorlynx bms
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

This is how the WS500 is meant wired, I think you have the connections correct. To double check go to

and download one of the schematics with a WS500 on and copy that configuration. Yiu also have to choose the relay function for alternator control rather than general alarm so in the event of the BMS opening the contactor, it will shut down the alternator 2 seconds earlier to avoid a load dump.

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tenacious avatar image
tenacious answered ·

Thanks, I have wired it up as such and everything seems to be working. Appreciate the help.


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Related Resources

LED indications, warnings, alarm and error codes

Lynx Smart BMS product page

Lynx Smart BMS online manual

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