
trev001 avatar image
trev001 asked

Cerbo and Garmin boat switch data instance fault


Has anyone experience with Garmins boat switch ?

This system has a Garmin 8416, Cerbo and boat switch all on the nmea2k network, with all 3 connected the garmin MFD digital switching screen is flickering

This only happens when the Cerbo is on the network, I have tried changing the device instance of the boat switch but this doesn't resolve the fault, I think it is a data instance fault any help would be much appreciated.


cerbo gxgarmin
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Greg Ireland avatar image Greg Ireland commented ·
I have been trying to assist Trev001 with this issue and have connected both the Garmin Boat Switch and the Cerbo to my vessel network. As he points out, changing the Device Instance on the Boat Switch does not resolve the conflict and, in fact, the Boat Switch goes into limp mode on any setting of 2 or higher.

I have changed the unique number on the Cerbo to avoid a conflict on my network and attempted to change the Cerbo device number (as recommended by Garmin support, who don’t seem very knowledgable on this subject) however trying to change from 0 to another number will not “stick” and the Cerbo remains as device 0. This has been done using remote console and Actisense software, and neither will make the change. I have followed the instructions for both attempts as detailed in the Victron NMEA2000 guide to no avail. Would anyone have any suggestions?

I remain unconvinced that this will help, but at least we can advise Garmin of the outcome. This may then lead us down the data instance issue, as they both have inputs/outputs that may be conflicting.

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