
heggink avatar image
heggink asked

Multiplus 2 switch off

All, I have a 3 phase setup for a home battery where I switch off the MP2 once batteries are charged/discharged. Reason why is to save on the idle consumption of the 3 MP2's. This happens twice a day. Any reason why this would not be recommended? Wear on the relay?

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


How are you switching it off? That would be the only thing I see as a problem.

Usually in a three phase system all units are either on or off as one.

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heggink avatar image
heggink answered ·

You can easily do that through node red

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heggink avatar image
heggink answered ·

And they indeed switch as one unit which is what I want. Just wondering if there are any downsides to doing this...

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