I see that today, during peak time, the battery was discharging to compensate consumption (no problem with that, then after, the power was used to reload the battery still during peak time. I do not expect this. I expect that the battery should be first used to compensate peak time usage, maybe if it is economically relevant, recharge it at night, to again compensate consumption the day after.
Here are the relevant graphs:
you see that the battery to grid between 17.00-17.59 and after 18.00-18.59 was Grid to battery.
I would assume that the optimal would be to use the battery to compensate consumption up to 22.00 ,when we switch to low price hours, use the grid for the consumption and also reload the battery to cover the consumption of the next day up the sun takes over (so maybe not 100% if it won't be needed the day after until the sun appears).
Is there something wrong in my setup?
Note Firmware version of MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 if 510 and Color control GX is v3.40~13 and battery is BYD B-Box Pro 10