
tom-berger avatar image
tom-berger asked

which BMS in DIY battery will work with Multiplus2GX?


I am in the process do build a DIY LiFePO4 Battery (16s, 280Ah) which should feed a Multiplus 2 GX. I have seen from various posts that the widely used Daly BMS will cause a lot of trouble in connection with the MP2 or the Cerbo GX. Which BMS can be recommended for use with the MP2GX?

Thank you, Tom

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3 Answers
jeanmarie avatar image
jeanmarie answered ·

Any BMS claiming a successful communication protocol with Victron environment will work (unfortunately I don't think Daly is one of those), you can go for Seplos, JKBMS or others

But be aware that using such a BMS, not validated by Victron, will cause Victron staff not even responding to any question or problem you may have with their HW

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Sten avatar image
Sten answered ·

You could start here to see if there should bee a bms you could use.

for my self I use REC bms and it work like a charm. It is a litle hard to configure but I have made a xcell to calculate some off the values.

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tom-berger avatar image
tom-berger answered ·

Thank you for your input, but meanwhile I found a solution which enables to use most BMSs with Victron GX. It's a driver for the Venus OS, made available by Louis Van Der Walt over GitHub:

There are some interesting YT videos showing how this works, i.e.

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