
carter avatar image
carter asked

Initial charge setting for Lifeline AGM bank


I recently set up three Victron smart controllers to harvest PV power from three solar arrays on my sailboat (each controller takes the input from two panels connected in parallel). I also installed a Battery Sense to send battery voltage and temperature data to the network.

My house battery bank consists of four Lifeline GPL-4CT 6v batteries connected in series and parallel to form one 440 amp hour 12-volt battery. The starter battery is fed current from a Xantrex Digital Echo Charge and is not connected to the solar chargers.

All is well and the solar controllers are networked, working together and showing normal PV as well as battery voltage and watts into the battery bank when appropriate.

I'm a bit stumped as to initial voltage settings for the batteries. Lifeline publishes a very temperature-specific chart of absorption and float charge values. For example, they list the respective values for 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Centigrade) as 14.30 and 13.30, and these are the values they print on the batteries themselves, so I've used these voltages in my user-defined setup, but the battery temperature is nowhere 77 degrees yet where I live. I entered the temperature coefficient (0.013V/degree F) as listed in the same manual. Are the controllers supposed to automatically adjust for the temperature? Or should I set the user-defined value for the voltage recommended for the actual temperature of the batteries at the time I set the values? For example, today the battery temperature was 56 degrees Fahrenheit. Should I have set the voltage limits according to the Lifeline values for that temperature? But then what about when it gets warmer as summer comes on? Surely we're not meant to keep chasing the settings every day as ambient temperatures go up and down. It's rather confusing, and I thank everyone in advance for clarification.


smart solar set-up help
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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Hi @Carter

Each morning when the mppt wakes up, it will measure it's own temperature, and apply the temp compensation value for that days charging period.

You only have to set the correct temp co figure for your battery @ 25c.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
There's a smart battery sense in there, which should override the internal temp sensors.
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Your correct :).
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

1000017464.jpgDid you successfully configure the battery sense into the smart network?

What values are you seeing? If the batteries are low, voltages will be below the settings until the batteries charge up.

Please post a screen shot from VictronConnect, like the one attached. It shows the temperature the solar chargers are using. Also check for the same values on each MPPT.

1000017464.jpg (274.3 KiB)
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carter avatar image
carter answered ·

@klim8skeptic @kevgermany, thank you for your kind replies. Yes, the Battery Sense is integrated into the network. I'm attaching screenshots from Victron connect. All seems well. I made sure to provide the same voltage values to all three controllers. Screenshot_20240510_101816.jpgScreenshot_20240510_101048.jpgScreenshot_20240510_101827.jpg

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