
lawa avatar image
lawa asked

Multiplus top-up inverter capacity with AC Input? (aka reversed PowerAssist)


I have 3-phase system based on 3x Multiplus II 230V 48/3000/35-32 running in ESS mode. The grid AC input is 3x25A.The system is well sized for my home but two or three times a year I might exceed the inverter limits at AC output (e.g. while welding).

I wonder if the system can "borrow" energy from grid when the inverter reaches it's capacity and mainly - what are the technical limits for it?

Attached screenshot shows that it seems to work somehow but I want to be sure that I don't damage my deployment.

Thank you.


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2 Answers
dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

The Multiplus 3000 has an AC-Transferswitch, capable of "borrowing" upto 32A from the grid in case it's own inverter power is not sufficent.

Is your input really 2 Phased, or is that a typo? (2x25A)

Technically spoken your AC-Out and AC-In are directly connected, and the Multiplus will just "Feed-In" Power to the line as long as he can. Everything he can't provide will be pulled from the grid instead.

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lawa avatar image lawa commented ·
Thank you for great news! This great functionality is not much advertised and many people could unnecessary oversize their system.

There was a typo in AC input - it's 3-phase, of course. I have corrected it for future re-use of your answer.

Have a nice day!

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

yes that works perfectly, my system runs the same, also 3x25A with multiplus 2 3k 3phase ESS

my whole house is on 3x AC out and grid assists when needed

(and yes, you could call it reverse power assist :) )

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