
cyril-ev avatar image
cyril-ev asked

Charging station on different network than Cerbo GX


I installed 2 Charging station NS, and connected them to my Wifi network.

I have a Cerbo GX connected to my Ethernet network.

My Wifi and Ethernet networks are separated by a router / firewall.

I opened the TCP 502 port from the Charging stations to the Cerbo GX.

I manually set the Cerbo GX IP and the VRM portal ID in each Charging station.

It works on the Charging stations side: they can communicate with the Cerbo GX, display the battery state, the solar state…

But on the Cerbo GX side, it doesn't see the Charging stations. Do I have to open some ports from the Cerbo GX to the Charging stations too? @Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff): maybe you have the info?

I also don't see the Charging stations on the VRM, but I guess they will show once the Cerbo GX will see them.

Thank you

cerbo gxev charging stationfirewall
2 |3000

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I believe the easiest way would be to configure that router as a bridge. So both devices will be in the same network.
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Philipp Trenz avatar image Philipp Trenz ♦ Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
@cyril-ev Try opening port 502 from the GX to the Chargers as well, this should do the trick.
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cyril-ev avatar image cyril-ev Philipp Trenz ♦ commented ·
@Philipp Trenz thank you, I'll try this. I'll probably run into an other problem, as I'll need to add a route for this (the default router in the Cerbo GX can't access to the Wifi network…).

That would be cool to have (in the documentation) a list of ports to open when all things are not in the same network.

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cyril-ev avatar image cyril-ev cyril-ev commented ·
I just saw I should be able to SSH to the Cerbo and add the correct route. I'll try it tonight.
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cyril-ev avatar image cyril-ev cyril-ev commented ·

FYI, I managed to add a route in the Cerbo GX, opened TCP 502 in both ways, and everything works fine. There is no discovery possible, but manually adding the Cerbo GX ip in the Charging Stations, and the Charging Stations ips in the Cerbo GX does the job.

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cyril-ev avatar image cyril-ev Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
I guess so, but that's exactly what I want to avoid.
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