
Max.kloos avatar image
Max.kloos asked

Multiplus II 5000 GX - System Problem


since yesterday i have a problem with my Multiplus GX, that ran 2 years without problems. The whole systems works with 2 AC-couples inverters, one Victron MPPT and a Battery of 3 Pylontech US300C. Nothing has been changed on my system in the last time.

The problems started yesterdays, when i realized that all data in the VRM were frozen and no data had been recorded für a few hours. After restart it worked fine, but only for an hour and startet to freeze again.

Today i've tried again to restart everything, ba hand on the switch, but nothing works. Sometimes the correct data is shown in the Remote Console, but not in the VRM.

The Console shows this notofications:

- #51 mk3 firmware needs update

- #67 no BMS Solar Carger

In the VRM i can't even save me VEConfigure anymore. Firmware-Update is also not possible. Shows Failure 1300 and 1302.

I don't really know whats the problem anymore. Hope someone can help me.

Best Regards,


Multiplus-IIVenus OS
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The mk3 is updated in the devices list under the inverter. So easy to do. That is a good place to start.

The error#67 is battery related so check comms there

You dont need to firmware update unless you have already done other parts (should be possible after the mk3 update.

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Max.kloos avatar image
Max.kloos answered ·

Thanks for your yuick reply. I've done the mk3 update. In the past i had the problem, that the update notice came back after a restart of the multiplus.

I don't know if that has solved the problem. I've also gone back from Firmware 3.31 to 3.30, to see if it runs more stable.

But there is still the problem, that i can't save my configuration or do firmware updates via VRM.

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