
markok12345 avatar image
markok12345 asked

Auto generator start/stop and SOC limits

I have Victron Multi Plus 2 and I configured K1 output to battery protection switch using generator start/stop assistant. I put start limit to voltage under 45V and SOC under 15% and stop limit SOC over 22%. It work well when SOC drop below 15% but it stop when SOC is 18% althought I put limit to 22%. What I must do to fix this problem?

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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Do you have a stop voltage. If so could it be this.

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markok12345 avatar image
markok12345 answered ·

Assistant give me set start voltage and SOC, but stop limit can be only SOC or voltage treshold. I chose SOC so I don't think that voltage can be the reason of this problem... Or what you think? Would be better use only SOC start limit too? Then I haven't anything voltage thresholds.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Not sure what the then.
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