
drewbie avatar image
drewbie asked

Orion XS DC-DC charger - on with only output power connected

Hi :). I have just upgraded my DC-DC charger to a Orion XS and noticed that with just the output connected to my battery and the input isolated it is on. My previous DC-DC from Victron (older type) would switch off when the input was isolated, even with the output connected to the battery. Does the new XS still power up if there is power on the output side? Thanks :)

orion xs
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@drewbie Are you asking if the Orion's bluetooth can be powered by either battery?

According to the Orion manual , this can be on the input and output or both.

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drewbie avatar image
drewbie answered ·

@klim8skeptic probably my bad explanation:). I was referring to the device being powered on (rather than say charging) as device, which in turn would make it accessible via the Victron app via Bluetooth. I don't really want the device on at all if the input voltage is off, which was how the previous gen worked. Thanks for the link will have another read. I must have missed that when looking through the manual.

Thanks for the reply

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