
Anders avatar image
Anders asked

Mopeka PRO H20 connected but do not display on Device list

I am running this on a CCGX with an approved Bluetooth adapter.
OS Version 3.40~8
The sensor is configured via the Mopeka Tank app and is working

The Mopeka sensor does appear on the bluetooth list, but not on the device list.
Any suggestions? I have tried continuous scanning, but not the more "aggressive" send settings on the Mopeka



PS I am running LiFePO4 batteries with 7 cells - hence the low voltage

mopeka sensors
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I am not sure why, all I can suggest is a reboot now you have these devices connected to see if they get picked up better in the system. Orherwise try going back to V3.31 in case it is a beta bug. If it is a beta bug, log it on that thread in the modifications section.

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Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

1) Reboot - No luck
2) v3.31 - No luck
3) Pair again - Will do next time on premise

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