
noobpurnell avatar image
noobpurnell asked

Multi RS Solar 48/6000

Hi Victron community - new to the PV world. Work as a software engineer so I'm technically (semi) proficient. I'm installing an off grid/grid assist system at home here in the UK. Idea being to run a few circuits solely from the solar infrastructure with solar/battery being primary and grid for when both are lacking. Not wanting to use grid in a meaningful way for battery charge. I can code, but would prefer to spend time with my kids. Could someone tell me if the Multi RS Solar will meet my requirements please !? Most likely buying pylontech batteries. If not, am I able to easily get data out of it in a meaningful way, if not do I need to buy additional Victron hardware to make this happen? I'm looking for the quietest Victron product that will be as straight forward as possible to install - apols for long message, help very much appreciated!

Multi RSsoftware
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
If installing in your house, be carefull

all of them make (fan/humming) noise, multi rs, multiplus 2 ..

Install it in a space where you dont have a living/bedroom near

Also if you install it isolated (on thick rubber sheets) there will be minimal resonance noise

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4 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @noobpurnell

Multi RS will do what you want just out of the box.

For remote controlling and monitoring and much more, you will need a Cerbo GX.

I have such a system - Solar Panels + Multi RS + Cerbo GX + Pylontechs - and I am living out-of-grid for more than 4 months now. The grid is connected only if 2-3 day are passing without sun and then only for consumption up until the sun is shining again.


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noobpurnell avatar image
noobpurnell answered ·

Hi @Alex Pescaru - thanks for your response - appreciated. One other thing that comes up is the smart shunt? do you know if this is something I require for the setup? also appreciate not very scientific however what sort of battery bank size are you running? thanks again. D

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @noobpurnell

No shunt necessary for a simple configuration as the Multi RS has all the necessary things inside.

I, for one, don't have any shunt installed and the Multi RS is working with 6 x US2000C Pylontech batteries.

Also the Cerbo is passing all the necessary information from the Pylontechs BMS as state of charge (SoC), currents needed, voltages, etc. So, no shunt necessary in this configuration.


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noobpurnell avatar image noobpurnell Alex Pescaru commented ·
yes, makes perfect sense. thanks for follow up. was trying to void paying for Cerbo however I think I'll be making life painful with the pi solution - BMS etc. thanks.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru noobpurnell commented ·

Minimalist speaking, in the beginning, you can try without a Cerbo.

The Pylontechs BMS will handle just OK the job if you set, in Multi RS config, the correct bulk, absorption and float voltages. Also, if needed, the current limits. In the end this is a BMS for.

This is the fun of an Multi RS. You hang it on the wall, connect the battery, panels and AC wires and you are good to go.

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andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko answered ·

I have MultiRS Dual Tracker + 28.5kWh lifepo4 2*200+1*180 Ah + 2 solar fields 4.6kW each

No connection to batteries via BMS as it could be done with Pylontech (you'd need Cerbo GX to have BMS hooked up)

Or you can avoid Cerbo by putting proper configuration in MultiRS for charging.

In my setup I have Cerbo + shunt500 (because I also have non-Victron inverter DC coupled.

I'd recommend you to get MultiRS+CerboGX+Pylontech+cables.

No need spending time on coding unless you need something special

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bokes avatar image
bokes answered ·

If the inverter needs to be super quiet I wouldn't go for the Multi RS Solar since it has 2 fans that turn on regularly and thus make noise.
Also do you want te be able to export excess solar to the net? That's something it cannot do (yet?).

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noobpurnell avatar image noobpurnell commented ·

thanks for response. interesting point. I've done the rounds on Victron noise and from what I've seen on the web the RS is the quietest of the Victron inverters? multiplus was my original plan however people still seem unhappy with noise even on the newer models, what's your experience? would you suggest another approach? I'm not planning to export, with that comes a much higher price tag from an install perspective. thanks D

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bokes avatar image bokes noobpurnell commented ·

It's ideal if you don't want to export and want your house to run from it. Just wanted to warn you that it does make noise, so don't hang it in your living room :)
It does depend on the load of course, but when the fans kick in, it's not just some background noise you can ignore.

For the extra cost of export, I don't understand. Either the electricity is allowed to flow to the grid by your inverter or not, so no extra hardware needed there?

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Mutli RS Solar Datasheet

Mutli RS Manual