I've had this system intalled for a bit over 3 years now for our house. I'd left it disconnected for about 2 weeks while we were away and when I started running off the battery again I got several DC ripple warnings followed by low voltage warnings several times per hour. There is no corresponding current draw when the voltage drop occurs. It happens with and without load on AC output and with AC input connected or disconnected.
The battery is made up of 2xTesla modules with SimpBMS connected to a VenusGX. There's also a Lynx Shunt in line between the batteries and Multiplus units (split phase setup).
I found Victron is reading down to about 11V for several seconds while the BMS is reporting normal voltages the entire time. I've inspected the wires and terminals. I also removed wires between the battery and Lynx shunt, cleaned terminals, and reconnected. If it matters I'm pulling data from /battery/DC/0/Voltage (shows voltage drop) and /battery/system/MinCellVoltage (no voltage drop).
I'm suspecting the Lynx or Multiplus is having trouble determining the voltage. Anything else I should be checking?