
mystar avatar image
mystar asked

Why does the EM540 disconnects form the cerbo GX?

Hey guys,

I have an EM540 set as a grid meter. It worked fine for some weeks but 4 days ago it stopped working propperly. I can see the EM540 in the remote console in the section smart meter, but not in the overview. When I reboot the cerbo GX, it works for some minutes. The smart meter is then visible and the battery works fine. But after some minutes it disappears again. I can repeat this process as often as I want.

Has someone a clue why this is happaning?

Update: Now the EM540 doesn't connect to the cerbo after every reboot. But it is visible in the system all the time:-/

cerbo gxbatteryem540
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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Looks like a bad connection and or faulty usb rs485 interface, how is it connected to the cerbo?

your not using a usb hub? That is a possible fault too

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daniel-feist avatar image
daniel-feist answered ·

Mine works great. Is your usb-rs485 cable an original or have clone FTDI chip?

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Have tried a different USB port? (Some of the first Cerbo's had a problem with the first USB port, which later became a power only port and with the latest generations been reinstated as a full USB port)

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mystar avatar image
mystar answered ·

Thanks for the ideas.

I also assume it's a bad connection issue. The connection is like this: EM540 <> CAT7 cable (together with AC cables) <> RS485 Adapter <> Cerbo full supported port.

After rebooting the cerbo serveral times yesterday, the EM540 didn't connect at all. Then I left it. After several hours I saw that it is working stable again. Until today. Nothing was changed... So i'ts weird but I hope it will stay like this.

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