
alexhuebi avatar image
alexhuebi asked

VM-3P75CT stuck in update mode


recently I got to it and added the VM-3P75CT to my electrical panel at home.
It is connected via Ethernet to my Network where it is currently the only VE device I have.

When I then connected to it via the VictronConnect App, it said there was an update. Since the update failed on my mobile phone, I disconnected the meter from the LAN and directly connected my Laptop to it and started the update again.

This time it got to around ~40-50% where it failed with (I think) the following error code:
X69 - Communication Error. Unexpected Vreg Ack received.

Which resulted in the device being stuck in the update mode.

Is there any way to recover the device? It is still getting DHCP leases, which makes me hopeful that it isn't completely dead. But the VictronConnect App couldn't resolve the issue.


Energy Meter
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1 Answer
Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @AlexHuebi, just to confirm we've seen your post. The good news is that your device is recoverable. We have a VictronConnect beta version available soon that adresses some communication issues. Once available I will report back.

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VictronConnect v6.10beta4 with communication improvements and firmware v1.06 is available here. Could you try this version and see if it fixes your update issue?
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alexhuebi avatar image alexhuebi Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Martin,

I am sorry that I am responding just now, but I didn't get any notification about the reply here.
That being said, the VictronConnect Beta did help. I could successfully update and thus "fix" device.

But one thing I had just noticed: is there by any chance a list for all registers that the EM supports so I could add that to my Home Assistant Instance via Modbus/UDP?

Thank you for your help!

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image Martin (Victron Energy) ♦♦ alexhuebi commented ·
Ok, that is good to hear that it is working now.

I'm afraid we don't have such document but if you google for "VM-3P75CT modbus registers", I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for.

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