Hi All. Short version is I'm making some changes to the hard top campers electrics. Currently I have an elcheapo 30amp 240v battery charger, Victron smart solar 75/15 controller, 2 x 100 amp lead/crystal batteries.
I'm adding a Redarc 2000w inverter (remote controller screen) - already purchased from a friend. Upgrading the 8awg trailer feed wire to something bigger, maybe 3awg. Adding 2x 180w solar panels. Would like the system future proof incase the inverter (induction cooker) causes me to upgrade the batteries to LiPo. Remove the elcheapo charger and replace with a more reliable charger with float mode (so I can leave the camper plugged in when it is not in use). Also need to upgrade the battery cabling to 000awg to help the new inverter out. We're off-grid campers and do not need 240v input to run 240v power points - feed by inverter, but that's a whole different conversation.
I understand auto elecs, but I am fairly new to Victron, and I'm having trouble working out what Victron products I'll need. I'm thinking:
240V battery charger (multi stage)
40amp DCDC
bigger solar controller (thinking of keeping the current one for the plug in solar panels that I sometimes use)
Some sort of monitoring screen that I can have inside the camper to see it all, but not essential as I know the app works well
Happy for the monitor to integrate the tank monitors as this will leave me with more room for a few more rocker switches
Pic of my current setup