
libraryman3 avatar image
libraryman3 asked

Current draw of Orion xs charger

Im purchasing an Orion xs 50amp dc-dc charger.

I would like to know what current will this charger draw from my vehicle battery / alternator when charging @ 50 amps?

input current
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The datasheet says it has a max. efficiency of 98.5%.

So the input current will be at least 1.5% higher. My guess is you will see around 52-53A on the input at 50A output.

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libraryman3 avatar image libraryman3 commented ·

Thank you..

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Bruce B avatar image
Bruce B answered ·

The max input current for the new Orion XS is 50A. If the output voltage is higher than the input, the output current will be reduced to respect the input current spec.

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