
sydasssy avatar image
sydasssy asked

VRM not showing total solar from all MPPT connected

I have 10x MPPT connected through USB hub, in the VRM I see just the total of the generated power from the first 4

The sum doesn't include the rest of the units. Any hints?

Check pictures attached1000185486.jpg


MPPT Controllerscerbo gxVRMMPPT SmartSolar
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8 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

The system sees it as DC power, question is why

What is connected to DC power?

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sydasssy avatar image
sydasssy answered ·

Even in list of devices I can only see the first 4


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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
Thats why its only calculating 4

strange on VRM you can see 10, are they also in VRM device list? What type of gx are you using?
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sydasssy avatar image
sydasssy answered ·


On VRM not available in device list


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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


All through a usb hub. And dying progressively. Look there first.

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sydasssy avatar image
sydasssy answered ·

Solution ?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Victron have always recommended a quality, powered usb hub. 'Inadequate' devices are available aplenty and can give issues like this. Big price differences in the market, but this isn't a bank of phone chargers, it's all-out data. Your 'Last Seen' messages also suggest long term data breaks.

You didn't answer the question about GX type, but there are some that would gag on a data load like that. Often accompanied by Wait or Busy messages. But anyways might benefit from a firmware update if you haven't done so already. A reboot of the GX often helps if something's corrupted.

The usb hub seems the most likely offender to me..

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sydasssy avatar image
sydasssy answered ·

Hi, it's a cerbo GX, everything was working fine before, have latest firmware and tried rebooting without success...

Which USB hub would you recommend?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

I can't help there, maybe someone else? Or Google. Victron use USB 2.0, so something good for that..

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

yes its probaply that, a defect usb hub

the cerbo can max handle 15 VE direct devices, so also check if you dont exceeded that amount

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