
florinbarbulescu avatar image
florinbarbulescu asked

Multiplus II 48/5000/70-50 Max load

Hi, I want to purchase a Multiplus II 48/5000/70-50 to power my house and I searched the internet but I couldn't find something concrete. If let's say I'm using the invertor at full power 4000 watts and I plug something else with 1000 or 2000 watts will the difference will be used from the ac input just to power the loads and not charge the battery?

Also do you think it is suitable for two refrigerators(600watts each at start up) and a washing machine(1700 watts max load) without dryer?

Many thanks.

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3 Answers
dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

Yes, any excess power you need, that the multi cant provide will be pulled from the grid.

You can configure if it should also load your batteries or not.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

<Also do you think it is suitable for two refrigerators(600watts each at start up) and a washing machine(1700 watts max load) without dryer?>

Yes, I have the same unit, it is fine with all usual household appliances including the above.

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mondeoman avatar image
mondeoman answered ·

"will the difference will be used from the ac input just to power the loads and not charge the battery?"

Yes, this can be done with Victron equipment, but not "right out of the box". You need to install the ESS Assistant using VE.Configure.

See here:

To avoid overloading the inverter, connect critical loads (lights, refrigerators, Internet router, etc) to AC OUT 1. This output has backup from the battery in case the grid fails.

Connect non-essential loads (washing machine, microwave oven, etc) to AC OUT 2. This allows the inverter to compensate their consumption with energy from the battery or PV, but will disconnect if the grid fails.

With ESS, the inverter will stay connected to the grid but will inject energy from the DC side (battery + PV) to compensate the consumption of the loads (AC OUT 1 + AC OUT 2).

When grid fails, the inverter will cut off AC OUT 2 and continue to provide power to AC OUT 1.

As it comes "out of the box", the inverter will charge the battery when connected to the grid.

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