
Wim avatar image
Wim asked

Updating the Pylontech LV HUB stops at 4%

hi all,

I'm expanding my 8 x US2000C setup with 12 x US3000C units; got them all upgraded to firmware v2.2, supplied by the official Pylontech support. I also bought an LV-HUB, currently on firmware v1.7. I'm trying to flash the firmware to v1.8, with Batteryview 3.0.36 but fails at 4%. Using the same cable which worked fine for the battery upgrades. When connecting it asks me for the LV-Hub serial number, so all communication should be good. All software supplied by official Pylontech support. Any ideas?


pylontech lv hub
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Wim avatar image Wim commented ·

Solved! I made an RS232 cable myself, which worked fine for the US2000C and US3000C upgrades, but failed at 4% for the LV-HUB firmware. Ordered a proper USB to RS232 cable on Ebay (Servtec) and with that cable it worked. (Although the pin layout is the same)

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, i think that's a question for pylontech support ...

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