
fridge3 avatar image
fridge3 asked

MP2-GX on Phase Two

screenshot-2024-04-22-224659.jpgAny chance to setup that MP is connected on phase 2 (not at 1)?

Values in vrm and console are not correct (because calculate that MP is connected on phase one)

its not possible to connect the MP to phase 1; because of 4 single phase PV (+ 2 three-phase PV) and two wallboxes (balanced on phases) and had to reinstall complete electric for that

VRMremote console
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

you can not change that, in a 3phase system it should be on L1

but you could swap L1 and L2 in and out on the meter you are using,

then your measuring will be ok for the multiplus

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fridge3 avatar image
fridge3 answered ·

thx for feedback

I changed tha phase setup of PV and Wallbox, so that the MP is now on L1

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