
portsample avatar image
portsample asked

Green dot on my touch screen. Can't remote into to Cerbo. What now?

Made a few minor adjustments to absorption and float levels, etc. Rebooted Cerbo via menu and now I am stuck at the green dot on the touch screen. VRM appears to be showing current data is flowing. Tried the reset button on bottom of the Cerbo w/no luck. Unable to remote access Cerbo. How do I get touch screen and remote ability again? Thanks in advance.


cerbo gxtouchscreen
greendot.jpg (48.7 KiB)
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It's a known issue, there will be a fix tomorrow or Tuesday.

You have to reboot the Cerbo (pull out the power supply, wait a few seconds and plug it in again).

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portsample avatar image portsample commented ·

That got it. Thanks.

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tdee avatar image
tdee answered ·

I had this issue. Removed power supply and didnt work so switched off system now whole system is down and wont come bcak up.

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