Background: Hi folks. I have a small off-grid set up based around the Victron Multiplus 48/3000. Up until recently the battery array was 4 x Pylontech US2000s. Last week my electrician added a Pylontech US5000 to the set up as the new master battery, to add additional capacity, bringing the total of batteries to 5.
The problem: as per the Color Control screenshot below, the Victron will only see 4 batteries, NOT 5.
I have asked the off grid system supplier and my electrician and no one seems to know why this is the case. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope! Thanks so much in advance.
Additional background:
New Pylontech US5000 set up as master battery
4 x Pylontech US2000s as slave batteries
The board including a Sunnyboy PV inverter, and the Multiplus: