
guru77 avatar image
guru77 asked

Dynamic ESS - charge battery slower


I have dESS active and would like to delay battery charge in order to maximize grid export and solar yield.

My max grid output is set to 4.600 - from 12 to 14:00h, the complete DC input is used to charge the battery - solar to grid output is way less than 4600

Later on, the MPPT is forced to slow down in order to get max. solar of 4600 output + AC loads (300W), there would be > 3000 W more solar to use but not needed.

Is there any way to slow down the DC charge from 12 to 14h in order to export more and charge the battery later?

Thank you!


dynamic ess
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2 Answers
guru77 avatar image
guru77 answered ·

this is what I don't like.

Full DC power is used for battery charge, but solar forecast gives more than enough for charging with less power longer, but feed in to grid always max (4600W)

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-17 um 12.03.44.png

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guru77 avatar image
guru77 answered ·

solved by setting the max charge power in d-ess settings manually to 2kW

any idea how to change this by node red?

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