About 10 days ago I set up two VEConfigure assistants that would close ACOUT-2 at 95% SOC allowing current to pass, and another assistant that would open the ACOUT-2 at 90% and stop the flow of current. ACOUT-2 is connected to a 500watt load. ACOUT-1 has no loads. Battery is a single generic lithium 48v 100A unit, (mfg by Chin). Combined panel output is 1200w, 16.6A, at 72v. Note: ESS state was 'Optimized with BatteryLife'.
Below is SOC as reported by Lynx shunt over the past 10 days. Note diminishing maximum SOC level.As expected in the first couple of days, the VEConfigure assistants would open and close the circuits at around 90.0 - 90.5, and 95.0 - 95.5. As time went on, close began to be actuated at lower and lower levels as shown in the graph, with yesterday's switch closings occurring around 93% SOC. Levels of switch opening also may have increased somewhat. Questions: Where does the Multiplus II assistant derive it's SOC assessment? The Cerbo SOC assessment is set to pull from the Lynx shunt. Am I dealing with a difference in SOC assessments, or is this a reflection in an actual change in battery capacity? Suggestions for resolving this and keeping my VEConfigure assistants would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.