
skopper avatar image
skopper asked

Calibrate Mopeka sensor for uneven freshwater tank

I have Mopeka Procheck Universal sensors installed on all my RV tanks. I have a need to calibrate the fresh water tank sensor to accommodate for the bottom of the fresh water tank not being flat. The bottom of the tank is sloped and curved, as it should be, for drainage. When I have filled it 25% the sensor reads 44% full. This should not be hard to accommodate with an option to add real data to the fill curve. Are you working on that? Fill curves? I doubt any RV tank is fully square, but it is especially important for fresh water where the amount remaining is what is really important. It makes no difference for gray water, where "full" is what matters. PLEASE add functionality to address this. I'm using the Cerbo GX.

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

I thought i saw mention of this raised as a github issue raised years ago.

I've had a search and it appears to be a feature (at least it's noted in the GX tank 140 under custom shape)


Not sure if this helps or not.

1713200343227.png (41.8 KiB)
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