
mivester avatar image
mivester asked

Set BMV-712 SOC through VRM Portal

I have a set of builds that I am doing that will have lithium batteries being read through BMV-712 units. These are going to be installed in remote locations, and I want to be able to syncronize the SOC on the BMV after the install. Since I will not be able to be present at the site to confirm the batteries at 100% SOC to syncronize the BMV, I was hoping to do this through the VRM portal, with the Cerbo GX that will be part of this setup. However when I am testing here, I am only able to change the BMV settings through the VictronConnect app, and the Bluetooth connection.

Is there any way to set the BMV SOC through the Cerbo or the VRM?

cerbo gxVRMBMV Battery Monitor
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johnantoniocollins avatar image johnantoniocollins commented ·

EDIT/UPDATE 2 Aha! For some reason I assumed the Windows10 Victron Connect app would refresh each time I open it. It does not. I had to click the orange circle with the curved arrow in it. I'll call it the "refresh" button since it's not labeled. It seems to do nothing for a long several seconds. But then the app stutters, seems to freeze the window, then sort of whitewashes out, but eventually it did show the bmv-712 in the devices list on the right-hand side just like the Android app. Perhaps the "Don't see the product you were looking for?" help view should say "1. click the orange circle arrow refresh button."

EDIT/UPDATE 1 The accepted answer works on Android Victron Connect app. It does not work on the Windows10 Victron Connect app; There are no "overview" and "devices" tabs. There is only one view, and then a space to the right that says "Don't see the product you were looking for?" (Which does not help me.) And, when clicked, then has a button that says "Back to devices list". (So I guess the one view is the "devices list"?)

I'm having the same problem. I can not set soc of bmv-712 remotely. (I also can't set an alarm on the bmv-712 remotely.) I've followed the steps in the accepted answer but it does not work for me. I've updated the firmware to the latest versions. I open Victron Connect and the only device I see is my Raspberry Pi generic Venus device. Then the only option is "VRM ONLINE PORTAL". From there I can go to my installation and see the Ras'Pi and the bmv-712, but I find no way to change anything on the '712. I can attempt to set alarms on the '712, but there's also a message there "Minimum cell temperature: No value available, product not connected?". So the question for me remains: How do I set the soc remotely on my bmv-712? Is there some previous step I've missed? Is my initial portal set up flawed? Should I remove and re-add the '712? Any help is appreciated.

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
  • Victron connect
  • VRM
  • Select Installation
  • Devices
  • Select device
  • Settings

You might need to update the remote device software during this.

NB. If the battery and other settings are correct, there's no need to synch, it will happen automatically next time a full charge is detected.

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mivester avatar image
mivester answered ·

When I go through VRM to the devices that is all that I see. No way to configure its settings. I have gone through to update all the firmware through VRM, as well as the bluetooth connection. am I looking at the wrong part?vrm.png

vrm.png (40.0 KiB)
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
You have to go to VRM through Victron connect.
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mivester avatar image mivester kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks. I had downloaded and installed victron connect right before this, and just logged back in to another update. I can find what you are talking about now.
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