
anacrhy2007 avatar image
anacrhy2007 asked

AC OUT 2 assistant SOC ON/OFF / Cerbo Realy ON/OFF with ESS

I need some help please with assitants. I'm trying to configure a Multiplus II to turn AC2-OUT on manually during outages to run a borehole pump and other loads. What I need is:

AC2-OUT ON - When AC1-IN is present
AC2-OUT OFF - When AC1-IN is not present
AC2-OUT ON - When Relay 1 on in Cerbo GX (Must turn on AC2-OUT even when AC1-IN is not available / run from batteries and solar)
AC2-OUT OFF - When relay 1 off in Cerbo GX (Must only turn off AC2-OUT if AC1-IN in is not available)

The issue currently is that AC2-OUT is only on if relay 1 (CERBO GX) is energised AND AC1-IN is available, once relay 1 (cerbo gx) is opened AC2-OUT turns off. AC2-OUT also turns off after 10 seconds if AC1-IN is disconnected and relay 1 (cerbo gx) is energised. I was under the impression setting each assitant individually would create an OR instance? I had this working with SOC instead of relay 1 before ESS ASSITANT was turned on.

I currently have the assistants loaded in the following order. (I have tried many other arrangements without luck)

Multiplus-IIAssistantsac out 2
5.jpg (18.0 KiB)
4.jpg (16.9 KiB)
3.jpg (18.1 KiB)
2.jpg (16.6 KiB)
1.jpg (12.6 KiB)
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Anacrhy2007

Try it like this..




1712553106388.png (57.1 KiB)
1712553184244.png (61.8 KiB)
1712553274707.png (66.7 KiB)
2 |3000

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anacrhy2007 avatar image
anacrhy2007 answered ·

Than you very much @JohnC this works perfctly.
Now (typically) after the fact it seems obvious and logical that when the Relay 1 off state is removed the assitant will default back to the AC1-IN on and off commands.

2 |3000

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