
sarah1331 avatar image
sarah1331 asked

Charge SOC limit

Is it possible to set a charge limit by SOC my lifepo4 battery stays in the caravan and would love to store it at 40-60% and up it back to 100% couple days before we use it

while in storage it’s not connected to shore power

Cerbo gx

Multiplus 12/1600-70

Smart solar 100/20

Thank you

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Easiest way is to run the battery to the charge level you want, then switch everything off, including solar. However it's not really necessary with LiFePO4.

The concept of storing partially charged is more applicable to other types of Lithium batteries. There's no direct way of setting a charge limit. You can trick things by reducing voltage settings, but it's not that easy. You may be able to do it by using Node-RED to switch off the MPPT via the Cerbo relay, not sure. Node red details are in the modifications space. But apart from helpful members there, it's not officially supported.

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daba avatar image
daba answered ·

Hi, I am also looking for a solution, because I only need some 50% batt capacity in the summer months, as far as I know batt SoH suffers of when batt is fully charged all the time. On the other way, during autum and sprig I need the full capacity (...)

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Dag Wikström avatar image Dag Wikström commented ·
Hello! @ daba: yes, I would also like to know if there could be such a functionality, out of the exact same reasons. As I want to keep some things running when not being present for a month or two, but avoiding the LiFePo:s being at 100% all the time, such a functionality ( which preferebly would be controlled via VRM) would be highly appreciated. As it is now, I switch the whole installation off in November after having got the battery pack SoC to about 70% and then turn everything on again in April/May. My installation: MP II 5000/48, Cerbo gx, 2 x MPPT 250, 3 x Pylontech UC3000
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