
wolfgang Linke avatar image
wolfgang Linke asked

Change Multiplus 3000 to 5000 3 phase

I have had a Multiplus 3000 system with 3 phases for several years.Now it is too small and I would like to switch to 3 Multiplus 5000. What should I take into account? Is everything compatible? The cables are large enough and long enough, there is space. Is it possible to just hang it up and move it around? Or what else needs to be taken into account?Thank you for the answers.

multipluss ii
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3 Answers
n-dee avatar image
n-dee answered ·

I switched from 6x 3.000 to 6x 5.000 and finally to 3x 10.000
Apart from the configuration of the new Multiplus and stronger cabling, everything else was fine!


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wolfgang Linke avatar image
wolfgang Linke answered ·

Many thanks for the answer. Since I have an island system, the change should be quick. It's reassuring if it doesn't cause any complications.Greetings Wolfgang

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wolfgang Linke avatar image
wolfgang Linke answered ·

Everything worked well, after two hours everything was ready and power on the line again. Firmware update and everything works fine.

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