
belmont avatar image
belmont asked

anyone using 3rd party EV charger?

Anyone using 3rd party EV charger? If yes, how do you add that to the Victron cerbo GX ecosystem? Do you add some power meter that measuring the EV charger and add into cerbo?

ev charger
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @belmont

It'll vary per charger, depending how much control you want and what type of data interfaces the charger supports.

If you dont care about it showing on dashboard you could just use energy meter set to AC loads.

That being said:

Victrons ev charger provides data to cerbo via modbus. So i've seen folk copy/tweak the modbus registers/address to integrate third party chargers.

It sounds easy but depends on modbus layout of you charger. I imagine it wouldnt be too difficult to integrate if the charger uses http endpoints either.

Do you have a ev charger in mind/have documentation of their API. Happy to help pull and initial bit of code together for you (I'll pretty much just copy code that exists already and tweak it) Or if you're familiar with python this is pretty much what I'd copy:

If modbus connection (tweak registers in here)

dbus-modbus-client/ at master · victronenergy/dbus-modbus-client · GitHub

If http end point (i'd probably copy the shelly energy meter code and change it from energy meter to evcharger)

dbus-shelly-3em-smartmeter/ at main · fabian-lauer/dbus-shelly-3em-smartmeter · GitHub


If you go the second route then you may get better responses in modifications section of forum

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